Welcome to Ross School's first blog site.

Please make comments on the works giving positive feedback for the 5 to 11 year olds who will be bloging. While spelling is important to us, it is not the intent of this site to have perfect spelling and grammar all of the time. this is more for the students to get their ideas out and have discussions with the world on these.

Remember some important internet safety rules when using this site (and others):

  • never give your full name
  • never give your phone number, address or email details
  • don't mention where you will be at a particular time
  • don't put any of that information on the net about anyone else
  • think carefully if you respond to anyone else's comments because they can't hear your tone of voice to determine if you are joking or serious
  • it is ok to have a debate with someone if you don't agree with their ideas but do it in a friendly manner do not call people names or put them down
Thank you.

Mr B

Saturday, December 25, 2010

merry christmas

merry christmas its christmas time I got some togs and goggles. I got a smiggle watch and zoo zoo pet. Liam says i better hurry up but im not going to. lip balm and a smiggle set.

Monday, December 20, 2010

my new home

In Christchurch iv got my new house I'm going to be living in. It has a few cracks in it but its not as bad as the others.I hop the earthquakes stop before I get there.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

dear dragon

I read a book called Dear dragon its about a princess that wants a dragon to come to her birthday.The creator of the book is An Vrombaut.A cook went up to the princess and the wizard and the knights of them came and told her how dangerous the dragon was.Your going to have to read it your salvers cause im not going to tell you any more.