Welcome to Ross School's first blog site.

Please make comments on the works giving positive feedback for the 5 to 11 year olds who will be bloging. While spelling is important to us, it is not the intent of this site to have perfect spelling and grammar all of the time. this is more for the students to get their ideas out and have discussions with the world on these.

Remember some important internet safety rules when using this site (and others):

  • never give your full name
  • never give your phone number, address or email details
  • don't mention where you will be at a particular time
  • don't put any of that information on the net about anyone else
  • think carefully if you respond to anyone else's comments because they can't hear your tone of voice to determine if you are joking or serious
  • it is ok to have a debate with someone if you don't agree with their ideas but do it in a friendly manner do not call people names or put them down
Thank you.

Mr B

Friday, June 4, 2010

Emma's voki

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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Libby's voki

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Me and Dad

Me and Dad is going to the park.

I Love my Dad

In the weekend
My dad is fishing.

fire truck

Fire truck to the rescue call the chopper the police will here soon

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Hi everyone I wanted to tell you to check out my voki and I don't like cheesecake and please coment on my voki.Bye
Hi im stan the garbige bin no im not im the garbige man i gobile up what is in my site so what does that men stan the garbige man is a ompalompas .Stan the garbige man stayas up all night hoping that people come and put cake or something in the bin for him to eat i for got to tall you stan loves i men loves cake once stan eat to munch cake

Oliver Goes Exploring. by margaret Beames

Oliver tried to catch a frog but he missed and fell in the water plop! sploosh!
it was cool

book report

the dumb bunnies easter i recomend the book to 5 to 9 years and dumb bunnies you can go to www.pilkey.com a real dumb book, a supremely silly book

Great cat

Today I read a book. It was called great cat. I think it was cool. it was about: a big cat came to toby's doorstep and went on a boat the cat saves them then othert things happen.

review of perky the pukeko.

Perky the pukeko. by Michelle Osment.
Today I read a book, the name of the book is perky the pukeko. It is about a naughty pukeko. I like this book.

Book review template

Title of the book

A little bit about the book,
dont give the ending away but tell about the story line.

Write about whtat you thought of the book.

Teachers pet by Morris Gleitzman

The story is about a girl and her battles with her family and school and animals..

This is a good story to read for 10 year olds. I enjoyed the twists in the story and that it made me think about what might happen next.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Mahe Mahe runs down the side line he side steps and Sean comes down the side line out of no where and spears Mahe Mahe into the touch line and the groud gos wield .The line out is made they do a long pass out to Sean and hes away he out ran evry body wat there is one person left it is Frank .frank jumps for takle its a hart braking he missed and Sean has one the world cup for the all bllacks the rest of the all blackes come and patey with sean and went to chanjing rooms and got drest to go on the tie tanic for a dance party a person fal over pord and all you cood her was crunch and then evrey one died whit lafter

my story

I have a pickle brain because I traded my brain for a pickle. He said a pickle is smarter then me. I fell for it. I went through all that pain for a pickle. I will stop this story for a toilet brake. (10min) later. Hi again I had to go to the toilet. How about we look at the football.
Commentator: here goes Tom he passes the ball to Sean. Sean runs. Frankincookietin trys to tackle Sean. But its a heart breaker Sean is beep sorry my TV broke. That was a loud beep. Sorry I got to go to the toilet. (30min) later. hi um lets tell some jokes. knock knock doctor that my best program. why don't you tell me some jokes on my comment.

Monday, May 31, 2010

The little man

one day a little man was having a cup of tea. Then a big lion jumped in his house and knocked the cup out of his hands. The man ran out of his house and ran for his life but everything the man did he did too. If he went under he went under too.Soon he came to a dead end,he was traped there was no excape. then he saw a dot on the hirizon,it came closer at super speed.It was the tea cup.Then the tea cup whacked the lion on the head knocking the lion out so the man could excape and live happily ever after thank's to the tea cup. But now there was no tea cup. What if anover animal jump in his house he woud'nt be saved by the tea cup. So he went to the store and brought every tea cup the store had.He broght small cups,big cups and even the most expensive tea cup of all. Now he hopede he was gareented to be saved if anover animal jumped in his house. Evenchaly that day came,a deer pounced in his house.So the man sprinted,he jumped in a bush and waited until he saw the tea cup. He saw the deer run past. He looked out of the bush and he saw the bigest tea cup chasing the deer and the tea cup won

what a day!!!

I pushed of from the wall, I was coming third. My freestyle arms goning round and round.
I could win I knew it I just had to speed up. I'm on my second length and I'm coming second until
someone comes up behind me ,it's my third lap and I am coming second then just at
the end I over take her. I win and I'm proud but it isn't over yet I still need to win my breaststroke and
butterfly to get the real trophie, and now I'ts breststroke. The whistle blows I dive in "onley one length
onley one length" I think to my self. Then I realise I'm winning I really am my hand touchs the wall I leap out
and throw my hands in the air "one more to go". "year 8 butterfly" the man calls through the speaker. we all line up I have to win I whisper GO!! calls the man through the specker I dive in doing my fastest caterpiller I'm wining until somone comes
up behind me "blast it" I said but all that came out was bubbles but then I did it I over took her and I got presented my trophie and I heard the loudst aplause ever, what a day!!!


Hi Libby here check out my
voki i have just put up.

Libbys voki

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Danielle's voki

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